Saturday, November 14, 2009

Anger Poems I: Nursery Rants

You crazy bitch
You make me itch
I want to hit your head.

You make me cry
Oh please, just die
I really want you dead.

But first of all
I have to call
That I am always right.

I fell in deep
But you, asleep
Left me alone in plight.

You piece of shit
Didn't care a bit
So I just kept my calm.

Thought things were cool
But slap my drool
You had me in your palm.

Like marionettes
In stocking nets
You held my string up tight.

You tugged and pulled
You had me fooled
To make me think you're right.

But when my peers
Just laughed in tears
I knew what had been called.

'Cause you were wrong
You crappy thong
I wish you had been mauled.

But here you turn
The messy urn
And pour the sand on me.

I'm but a voice
But still your choice
Was 'ment me to a tree.

But then all saw
Your crazy flaw
Cassandra laughed her head.

My tears of joy
Caused you your ploy
That made your feelings red.

Time came to pass
Your silly ass
And all I thought was fine.

But there you went
You hit my vent
And really drew the line.

You dug your dike
And acted like
I really don't exist.

Well, fine by me
Though not my glee
To talk, I did resist.

But fate was wise
Its many tries
Did put us in one roof.

I learned from all
You had your fall
Don't want to catch your hoof.

So I did lay
All I could say
To bring the ball up top.

You little snooze
You made us lose
It turned into a flop.

Again I tried
I almost died
But all was not yet lost.

So I did yelp
And with some help
The journey, fin'lly crossed.

But you the down
Just kept your frown
And acted like a queen.

With glaring eyes
You win the prize
Like no one's ever seen.

You go around
Your head, a crown
With words for me like crap

You little whore
Right on my door
You're setting up a trap

But guess again
You little hen
I'm not some dumbass mule.

I will not care
A single hair
I also can be cruel.

Now I await
When all my hate
Will end as I have set

I have the cask
Now I just ask
Oh, will you just die yet?

intro: for english class, we're required to write six poems.
since I have nothing to do with my life, and I need to rant on some people, I shall be ranting in poem. isn't that cool?

this is my first. I started things shallow.
try reciting it in a certain rhythm... almost like a nursery rhyme.
it'll sound funny. :D

so i plan to go darker from here on...
for my last blog, i'll just copy-paste a poem i made over the summer.
I never got to post it since it's really... umm... intense. and I didn't really feel like showing the world that other side at that time. but here's the avenue to do it...


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