Sunday, December 13, 2009


I cry for a world where the carefree maya bird flies free through open, blue skies filled with crystals and wisps of clouds, soaring above magnificent green fields and blue seas. A sky where it can fly without worrying about gunshots and fire shooting them down and taking away their freedom and their lives and all their little chicks, who have yet to learn to fly.

I cry for a world where the vulnerable tarsier can finally take a leap of faith and move past its slow and boring soliloquy, taking on bigger strides from tree to tree. For its wide eyes can already see all the cunning flashes and pretentious parasites, but they choose not to move in fear, in silence. A spirit enlivened, a force enthusiastic in that world, and it shall wake the tarsier from its slothful slumber to move undaunted, unpressed, unstopped.

I cry for a world where the majestic whale shark can make a home in waters blue and clear, where scum and waste haven't polluted its pristine habitat. Waters where they can move out and explore the depths of the sea, where they can call out in deep booming sounds and be not afraid against the currents and muck that threaten it.

I cry for a world where the stern rugged water buffalos can move through rice paddies without worrying about whips and lashes, where it can move in its own industrious pace and not be forced to do so, where its horns find no enemy to attack and strike. A field so green that it can enjoy the fruits of its own labor, the wheat of its own sweat and blood. A field where no one else can threaten to steal and take it.

I cry for a world where the eagle proves not to be a senseless predator but a leader of the world below, flying out for all to see not only its bold appearance but its heroic flight. Whether the rains and thunder come, whether the sun shines too hot, a sonorous figure who not only stands as a monument of faith but flies out to where he is needed.

I cry. I cry.

I cry for a world of our own. A world for all of us to live and be free and be happy. A world so beautiful nothing else can compare, nothing else can dismantle. Pristine. Beautiful. Wondrous. I cry. I cry.


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