Tuesday, September 29, 2009


DAY 31

Missed me?
I just got home from the hospital.

God. How long has it been? Six days?
It was hell in there. So white. So clean. Yet so dirty. You could feel the germs everywhere. And i'm not germophobic.

And well... it was lonely.

Well... of course, people visited.
Well, not really. Just Jenna, the kids, Chris and Brian.
The normal family.

Why I was in there?
Don't ask. All I know is that I passed out at work, and when I woke up I was in those unnerving white clothes on some hospital bed.

It got boring. I'm not much of a TV person, so I passed the time playing with the bed's remote control.

They kept giving me all these drugs.
(Why do I call medicines drugs? So morbid.)
I think I was high for most of my stay. Practically that strong. It's like... weed only not.

At one point, I think I was flirting with the nurse, which is not me.
She thought it was cute though. She told me when I woke up the next day.

My room was in the side of the hospital where you can see the sun the whole day.
It was glaring. I was unlucky enough not to have curtain handles, hence no curtains. Whoopee.

For six whole days I watched the sun rise and stay and set.
Really bright... and hot too. Burning almost. Like summer, only not.

Oh. And something strange happened. Funny actually.
Well, I like sleeping under the covers, see. So while I was half-asleep, this family suddenly came in. And then I heard this woman start crying talking about how she had so much plans for me and all. I was like... WHUT?

I realized after a few seconds that she thought I was her son, and that I was dead. I didn't move though, pretended to be asleep. I imagine it would give her a heart attack if her "son" rose from the dead. I didn't know what to do actually. It was a good thing the vampire nurse came to prick some blood off my finger. Told the lady she was in the wrong room, and then there was this awkward aura in the whole place till she left.

When she closed the door, I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt.
And the nurse was laughing too, though a bit more quietly.

The people from the cafe sent me a cake. They know which one I love.
I think I would've enjoyed their presence more, but I guess they're too busy to come by, so I don't really mind.

I did get this one gift though.
It was this music box thing with some kind of English--or was that Russian--guard guy with the big black woolly head thing inside it. Kinda funny looking actually. But the music was soft, tender. Reminded me off... well, I don't know really. But it calms me down.
That tingly feeling and all...

Well, I was released just today.
(God. That words sounds so morbid. Released)

Now, I have to reschedule a few stuff. For one, that chat with my college friend. For another, my date. Hehe.

My answering machine has all these messages that need answering. My audition is, apparently, tomorrow. So good luck to me.

Well, if there's one thing I enjoyed in the hospital, it was the peace.
I was able to write a lot more inside... but they all seem empty. I guess there isn't any inspiration in there.


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