Thursday, September 10, 2009


DAY 11

I guess I was being a bit too stupid.
But I dunno. I needed to see her again.

I was at the park again, waiting, hoping she jogs on Thursdays.
Just like when I first saw her.

I sat on the same bench as last time.
I brought a book and a sandwich. And I went stalker-mode.
God, this is embarrassing.

So I waited. I guess I came too early.
I started reading my book... and I got bored. And she wasn't there.
And I was getting hopeless.

Come to think of it.
It was just real stupid of me to even go there.
Not to mention freaky... for her at least.

It was getting too late, and I was half finish with my chapter and the sandwich.
So I had to get to work.

Now, as I stood up from the bench, this friggin' kid suddenly ran in front of me. And I tripped and fell... on him. And he was crying, crying incessantly... overreacting, actually.

And it was causing a mess in the park, God. People were looking.
I was panicking on the inside 'coz now people might think I was a bully or something. That wasn't doing anything good for my self-esteem, mind you.
First, a stalker. Now, a bully. Shit.

So I was trying to make him shut up, but he just kept going... like the Energizer bunny or something. And I was beginning to look real stupid.

Then a hand suddenly came up from behind me, offered him an ice cream cone.
And he shut up. (Thank the Lord!)

I turned around, and it was her. I friggin' wanted to smack myself on the head.
I was blushing red... not really because she was there, but because I was a big embarrassment. God.

But she... she was smiling. Really innocent and all. Was it for the kid? Or was it for me? I dunno.
Her eyes caught me.

And she said, "You again? Making kids cry this time, aren't ya?"

I just stood there. Smiling. Blushing. Quiet.
I was telling myself to speak up, but I was stupid enough not to.

And she said, "See ya around."
Then she left.


I left for work. And all these oldies were staring at me.


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